Sunday, December 28, 2008

For my Papa!

The glasses I drew remind me of my Papa and how he alwayswears them when reading the newspaper.

My Papa always has a pocket knife with him. It's funny.

My Papa always took me to Dairy Queen.

And this is my Papa's favorite bird. He's a real bird fan, loves them alot.
I'll be posting more soon. (Like my Christmas gifts that I have yet to give *coughs*) Sadly I lack a camera... *sighs*

Monday, December 15, 2008

Let's Start With A BIG Post

This is a robot I designed for a friend who loves Transformers.
I did this one for my cousin. He asked me to do a 'triplechanger'. After about half an hour of explaining to be what a 'triplechanger' is, I got to work and got this.

I love +Anima, so I decided to draw my favorite character Senri. :)

My friend wanted to test my artskills so she turned to a page in her +Anima book and said, "Draw this."

A request from my friend who said, "Draw him; Husky is my favorite character!"

After a drawing all those pictures I wanted to do something on my own.
The message behind this picture is that we are all prisoners before Christ comes into our lives. Only with Him may we be set free.